The Nightwatchman's Interesting Jobs

"You do what?" Strange and wonderful careers. Forget Seek. The most interesting jobs out there, reviewed by Australian blogger bloke, Glenn Peters.

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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

My Other Sites

My Card
Originally uploaded by glennpeters.
Don't forget about my other sites.

Since 2001 I've ran The Nightwatchman, a blog about modern culture's most interesting stuff. You know, the stuff you read about in the woderful Boing Boing and This Modern World.

If AFL football is your weakness, or even if you are losing your office AFL footy tipping competition, you may want to check out my pathetic homage to the Collingwood Football Club, Victoria Park.

Lastly, (this is the important bit), if you want to hire me as a writer, visit my writing homepage. Yes, I do want an interesting job.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Don't Talk About It. Just Do It.

How far would you go to get an interesting job? Would you work for a tobacco company? Would you work for a company like Global Solutions Limited which runs the infamous Baxter Detention Centre?

To answer these questions, students at America's Stanford University started Students For Informed Career Decisions (SICD). What is it with student orgs and acronyms?

Anyway, they encourage graduates to take this pledge.

"I pledge to explore and take into account the social and environmental consequences of any job I consider and will try to improve these aspects of any organizations for which I work."

I like this little piece of pragmatic activism. SICD don't argue for unrealistic bans on taking jobs at dodgy companies. Instead, they encourage us to think a little more about the place we work at.

Their website also lists a bunch of questions you can ask (if you have the balls) at job interviews like...

"How is your company socially responsible?"
"How do your products or services make the world a better place?"
"How much money does your company spend on political contributions/lobbying expenditures?"
"If you are in a spaceship that is travelling at the speed of light, and you turn on the headlights, does anything happen?"

Last question by Steven Wright.

Read more and take the pledge.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Sharp and Pointy's 39 Brilliant Careers

Melbourne-based writer, Sharp and Pointy has had many interesting jobs and lists them on a blog. Funny stuff. Here's jobs 4 and 18.

"4. assistant editor on the war memorial's magazine. got this as a 6 week temp fluke from heaven cause they were between staff for the role. i remember a weird guy who was employed to identify military medals in another department who kept sending me inappropriate email attachments."

"18. Australian Parliament House. back in canberra. working for a committee so I had to sit in on these parliamentary hearing things full of overweight politicians. amanda vanstone once bailed me up in the corridors and demanded a biscuit from the catering platter I was carrying, that was funny."


Friday, April 01, 2005

What's Wrong With You?

They're STILL looking for bingo callers at the Ringwood, Reservoir and Clayton Bingo centres. Don't you bludgers want jobs?

But I Want An Interesting Job: Two Fat Ladies!

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