The Nightwatchman's Interesting Jobs

"You do what?" Strange and wonderful careers. Forget Seek. The most interesting jobs out there, reviewed by Australian blogger bloke, Glenn Peters.

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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Sharp and Pointy's 39 Brilliant Careers

Melbourne-based writer, Sharp and Pointy has had many interesting jobs and lists them on a blog. Funny stuff. Here's jobs 4 and 18.

"4. assistant editor on the war memorial's magazine. got this as a 6 week temp fluke from heaven cause they were between staff for the role. i remember a weird guy who was employed to identify military medals in another department who kept sending me inappropriate email attachments."

"18. Australian Parliament House. back in canberra. working for a committee so I had to sit in on these parliamentary hearing things full of overweight politicians. amanda vanstone once bailed me up in the corridors and demanded a biscuit from the catering platter I was carrying, that was funny."



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