The Nightwatchman's Interesting Jobs

"You do what?" Strange and wonderful careers. Forget Seek. The most interesting jobs out there, reviewed by Australian blogger bloke, Glenn Peters.

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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Monday, January 24, 2005

Save Iraq's Children. Arabic "a plus." Derr Fred.

Nice Job in Iraq Alert!

Here's an antidote to the interrogator position I found a little while ago. US based Save The Children are looking for someone to do just that, save the children, in Iraq. The Child Protection & Education Program Manager will manage and take part in emergency education and child protection program thingies.

They reckon to speak Arabic is "a plus" to do this job. A plus? Derr... I would reckon its a necessity and suggest if you can't speak Arabic and you apply for this job, you would do anything but save children.

Position description in full.
Save the Children's website.
Similar jobs at Reuters' Alertnet.


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